Counselling and therapy services
I offer individual counselling as well as group therapy programs and drumming events for adults in the Geelong, Bellarine Peninsula and Surf Coast regions.
Counselling in a safe and supportive space can help with:
- Stress, worry and trauma
- Grief and loss
- Life transitions
- Emotional, physical, spiritual, social and psychological pain
- Depression, anxiety and other debilitating experiences of living
- Relationship difficulties
- Developing self-awareness and insight
- Exploring conflicts – inside and outside
- Self-esteem and confidence
- Communication challenges
- Cultivating self-love, care and compassion
- Confusion, uncertainty, loss of meaning
- Identifying your values and beliefs and how they influence and inform your experiences of life and living
Visit the Sessions pages to understand the different types of therapeutic and counselling services I offer.
Some of the group therapy programs and workshops I offer include:
- Dream groups – learn how to integrate the wisdom of your dreams into your waking life.
- Story-doll making – bring inspiration, intention and purpose to life by joining with others on a creative journey to become who you already are.
- Existential discussion groups – therapeutic conversations that constellate around various elements of what it means to be human. Themes discussed may include, life and death, meaning and meaninglessness, connection and isolation, freedom and responsibility.
- Rhythm 4 Wellness – semi-structured rhythm drumming therapy sessions that focus on specific themes: communication, working together, self-care, emotional vitality, trust and more. Plus I hold community drumming events for creating connection, having fun and improving overall health through spontaneous in-the-moment music-making. See Events & Workshop page for more information about community events.
- DRUMBEAT programs – the world’s leading therapeutic drumming program, DRUMBEAT is an evidence-based program, developed in Perth, West Australia. DRUMBEAT is a 6 to 10-week therapy program incorporating hand drumming, behavioural therapeutic principles and cognitive elements.
External Counselling and Therapy Support Options
If you or someone you know requires immediate support, please call 000. Otherwise, the following services may be able to offer assistance. Reach out if you need support—there is always someone available to listen.
Alcohol & Drug Services
Directline (24/7): 1800 888 236
Family Drug Help (for Family and other loved ones living with a person using drugs or alcohol): 1300 660 068
Women’s Alcohol and Drug Service (WADS) @ The Royal Women’s Hospital: 03 8345 200o
Veterans, Australian Defence Force personnel and their families
Open Arms (24/7): 1800 011 046
Family Violence
Safe Steps (24/7): 1800 015 188
Telephone Support
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue – Depression & Anxiety: 1300 224 636
Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800
Parentline: 1300 30 1300
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
MensLine Australia: 1300 789 978
Sexual Assault, Family and Domestic Violence Line: 1800 424 017
Veterans & Veterans Families: 1800 011 046
Grief & Bereavement
Australian Centre for Grief & Bereavement: 1800 642 066 W:
Support After Suicide:
Red Nose Grief and Loss: 1300 998 698 W:
Eating Disorders
The Butterfly Foundation
1800 33 4673
Family Services
Relationships Australia: 1300 364 277
Gamblers Help: 1800 858 858